😞🔫 If you can't express yourself, what is the point in being alive? I have a sick mind, Hope i don't loose it altogether. 🔞ADULTS ONLY🔞
certified retard (rare species)

Age 76, Other

Scat artist.

What a complete waste of time

Your mind.

Joined on 8/22/18

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Lordcuckness's News

Posted by Lordcuckness - November 21st, 2020

My thearpist had spoken to me yesterday and had made me even more aware of how false my relationship is.. Well strangely today..

my gf said she loved me a bunch of times and i didnt say it back... ony now it seems she knows i dont love her, just cos of that?

Well besides staying underneath my bed for ages, we just spend the last hour crying and holding each other.. I said i cant let her go..

So I still feel emotional and il admit crying was actually refreshing.. but now i dono what to feel. she said "i should go away right?" while crying and i couldnt take it anymore and cried to and didnt know what to say or do.. thats when we hugged and cried and shook.

And I said i couldnt let her good. I still care about her but now im even more aware of being between a rock and a hard place. Miserable if i stay with her or alot of pain if we break up. Either way i'm not sure now.

I want to avoid this all together and there is only one way to do that and it feels more possible than ever.

Anyway, im closing coms for awhile due to this, anyone getting coms from atm il still do them they just might take longer.


Posted by Lordcuckness - November 20th, 2020

I been thinking about it and as painfull as it is.. i can't see the benfit of being with her, even though we were together for 7 years now.

I just can't see a future with marriage and kids, the very idea makes me bitter and angry, we dont see eye to eye sexually and never have sex with the exception of some sexual action once in a full moon. So once every two weeks if im lucky and even though she only wants to be fingered and thats it, anything else annoys her and thus its not fun for me and i even feel guilty about it. Why the fuck did i end up with a vanilla casual type who treats anything sexual as taboo and "wrong". It annoys the hell out of me, since couples romance can come from the fact that they accept each others sexual desires. Romance does not have to be tradiditional, it can just come merely from sex or acceptance of sex, if that makes sense.

But it depends on the person and i guess im just with the wrong type.

There is also my feelings towards homoerotic stuff. I have attraction towards men or feminine men and its stronger than ever. Its hard to tell if maybe this is just some kind of desire to get me out of this relationship (e.g the cheating with a man is somehow less offensive to a women) Once im single again i could suuddenly have no attraction at all towards men.. who knows.

Anyway its literally the crux of my life right now all the depression and meds are part of it. But lack of friendship and this relationship feels like the real boulder in my life. If i become single i risk becoming a proper bitter and angry hermit and i already am, but i feel id become a real incel with hatred in my heart. On the other hand i could branch out and meet someone new, maybe even make some friends, maybe if im confident enough, but there is no garantee. I feel sociailly inept. But maybe being single might make me feel refreshed and motivated to start a new.

My gf loves me alot, and in some ways im lucky.. but she knows i dont feel the same way about her. I even told her to "find someone else" and that i cant see a marriage or kids in the future with her.. she seems to have partially accepted it, but holds on unconciously to an idea that maybe i might change my mind..

its hard to cut things of espeically because of COVID. She has enough money and a caring father who would spot her if shes desprate, so im sure she can find a place to live and look after her self, she sould be able to get a job and if not im sure her dad might be able to give her some online work.

I feel she is minching of living with me and my perants, she is one of those "push comes to shove " people i think.. she wont budge unless she HAS to. And I hate that, cus im the one who has to trigger it. Id rather she would just have the indeprence to find a job or at least try to monetize the stuff she does (she lives voice acting and drawing).

I shouldnt have to worry about her is what im saying. ...

regardless i do care about her. But some might say its even cruel for me to keep this going when i feel this way. But its hard since her stuff is at my perants house and there is ALOT of it.. but maybe i shouldnt care about it, its not my problem.. im sure she could rent a big enough place that can fit it and afford it too, i think.

The thing is a part of me thinks maybe i could let things play out naturelly.. that maybe over time it will really sink in and she will leave and we will go our seperate way naturally with out me having to make a clean cut. But i cant hold onto that.. Regardless, COVID and the approaching xmas is not really the right time to make a clean break..

so my plan for now IS to let things go as they are.. but allude to the fact that i want to move on.. then in january try to actually confront her more, and ... somehow get her to move on.

It will be painfull, i hate it, i hate having too much empathy for her, and she is only a little better than me at socialising.. thankfully she does have a good friend about an hour away.. im hoping her friend will play a role in looking after her when we break up, im sure she will.

IF i do break up with her, i wont be that active and probebbly not respond on discord or furaffinity that much, i dono what will happen.

I hate thinking about it, id rather gut myself or cut myself to be honest. I cant imagine breaking up, i just dono how it would go down and i hate it so much.

if she was more sociable and more indepdant and out going and active.. then it would not bother me as much, then id know she would be fine and get over it.

But she has said before that i am her "ties" as it were, to the world. In other words i am the few things that keep her wanting to live. Which is a fuck tone of pressure on me. So yeah she does allude to suicide and has done so before. I had to stop her from leaving the house at 2am, as she wanted to go to the ocean and drown. Wtf if she tries to do that again once she finds out i really want to end it?

i actually hate my thearpist in some ways, saying that it could be considered cruel to keep the relationship going. Yet if i break up with her and she kills herself, people would blame me for that to. Fucking sexism is bullshit, for a progressive society, everyone still sees women as weak and men as strong and in charge. ITs such bullshit, we are not progressive we just pretend to be, i hate it. I feel if i got married to her and had a kid, id eventually end up like Jack Torrence from the Shining.. bitter, pissed of and a fucking failure of ambitious plans, like writing a novel but having a job as a hotel caretaker.. then id take it out on my wife and son.. seriously it feels like such a typical set up for a sexual repressed pissed of husband.. then once tragedy strikes, nobody would have any sympathy.. just "oh well hes the bad guy and was always bad"

I don't want to end up like that.

I dono, i just want to die sometimes and thats why i think the relationship and friendship is perhaps the foundation of my depression and anxiety and that the medication and other problems are like the superficial side of it.. its very difficult to tell...

I guess my ideal situation would be to have a partner, male or female who was like me.. wants to go outside sometimes, have kinky sex and quite often and not be ashamed of it. but also loving and active.. encouring each other to be ambitous.. And then my ex girlfriend would be living near her friend and have a job and some good friends, either the chances of a new boy friend on the horizen.

That would be ideal i think...

I feel like i dont have many things to grasp onto. What i mean is, i dont think i have experienced enough to hold on to reality. I have had little friendship or experiences in the outside world, i still feel like im 12...

Its like i never progressed.. So yes, being single is scary because then it really would hit home.. im still that angsty teenage inside his room with no friends or social skills. A trait that perants stupidly think is common and "normal" no no no. My older brothers literally made fun of me for it at one point. Saying that indeed, i have not progressed from a 14 yr old.

And being a hermit is dangrous as far as im concerned. Like randy stair.. Ok don't take that too seriously. I just mean, being loney and bitter it's easier to see the barebones of.. well a bad person.

both me and my gf are isolated, tho she is more social online but ironically does not go outside as much as me. This is why it bothers me alot. I think normally an avarage couple have friends and are outgoing.. so if a break up happens, its hard but they have friends to go to and spend time with. My gf's father lives in another country so family is not really an option for her.

Well theres my rant.

I only express this to help myself, but also i guess, for when the time comes, i will not likely be active or doing coms. And i might either be very active in communication or shut off, i dono. I am hoping to that writing this will give me some kind of perspective, like a diary.



Posted by Lordcuckness - November 17th, 2020

So if you want to support me so I can spent my time making art, animations comics and games but without any membership stuff and just the one off payment. - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Lordcuckness

I'm also open for coms and offering 20% off my fav games and toons (check description here ->) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38876943/


Posted by Lordcuckness - November 5th, 2020

But why.

whats the point

why even bother

do i just want to do this because i want a sexual goth gal in my life?

am i genuinly confused (yes)

but why even try

im just a freaky freak


il give things more time to think

no im not trans

i hate the rep that title has now. No thanks to radical power hungry sociopaths

I am me I am the individual, fuck groups and fuck collectives.

eat my ass




Posted by Lordcuckness - October 30th, 2020

The following should be added to a Zelda: Majora's Mask Iceberg..( the very bottom)

-incest themes (Anju and Kafei) Tatl "They look like mother and son lol"

-underage age drinking and sex? (Cremia's hug and offering of milk to Romani)

-Columbine (dou killers, moon, skullkid, or Majora and skullkid)

- ^ same with Undertale Chara and you or Flowery and you lol



Posted by Lordcuckness - October 16th, 2020

If you want to watch me draw porn now and again, please join my public discord server!




Posted by Lordcuckness - October 15th, 2020

Seriously, I feel terrible again. Yet my life is good.. im in a good position, my life is secure, there are people who love me. i have mostly what I want.

Yet I can't stop getting morbid thoughts out of my head and they are getting worse I think.

Twice now I cut myself in the woods, both not because i was upset.. but simply because I wanted to, felt the urge to. I am not religous yet i found myself praying a few times out of desperation.

But then there is the hatered anger and violent thoughts towards others. Il be relaxing with my head on my partners chest and close my eye, tired. Then thoughts of stabbing them and cuting them or beating them about the head just fill me and its fucking horrible. Its a similar sensation to when you play a video game all day and try to sleep.. naturally you can't get the game out of your head.

I can stand depression but hatred towards others just drains me. And then I think of someone like Randy Stair.. jesus christ I find myself being somewhat reletable towards him. Not entirely thank god. I don;t want to end up like that, id rather die first and foremost. I wonder if he was autistic.. I bet he was, maybe eric and dylan too. I mean they do meet the criteria.. you could make a theory that they were.

If you worried.. please don't, id hang myself way before id get to the point of hurting others.

I know a couple people who went on prozac and describe having more confidence and energy but that this eventually causes alot of unwanted things. And I guess for me if your mind is in a dark place, the last thing you want is more energy being channelled in there.

I think the awnser might be to go off prosac and maybe go on 2.5mg of aripiprazole.

aripiprazole is an antipsycotic drug (lmao never thought id see the day id have to take something like that) normally used to treat bipolar and scizophrenia. But there are studies showing it helps people with autism and their anxiety or obsessive thoughts. Its a serious drug though with side effects.. but 2.5mg cant be that bad?!

If it helps it helps. Id rather go on it. Maybe its not the prozac fucking with me. It did help alot in the beggining, it gave me much needed energy. But its not helpful now, so whats the point. Doctors always think "ah your still depressed, lets up the dosage" no no no, not a good idea. Im on 40mg, still quite a high dosage.. id rather just bring it down to 20 and see if that helps.


Posted by Lordcuckness - October 6th, 2020

Anybody out there take Aripiprazole? what's it like?

My psychiatrist suggested to me, that I could potentially take 2.5 mg of Aripiprazole. As there are studies showing that amount can help treat people on the autistic spectrum. Specfically of obssessive thoughts, violence, anxiety mostly i guess.

The drug scares me though, all drugs have side effects and that one is a serious drug. Though maybe 2.5mg is so small i shouldn't worry about at least trying it.. my psychiatrist did say it is only a suggestion and said i should research it myself which i have a bit and come to my own conclusion. The drugs is mostly used for people who are bipolar or have schizophrenia.

My be worth it, since i feel i am becoming psychotic.

I feel like the main character from Crime and Punishment but without the whole murder thing.

god help me.


Posted by Lordcuckness - September 13th, 2020


PET! pet pet pet pet pat pat pat pat rub rub rub rub







Posted by Lordcuckness - August 30th, 2020

She read my aspergers report and was surprisingly accepting of that personal fact and others..

I think my dad will be the same.. hopefully

damn.. I do have really great perants..

Anyway reading about aspergers has been quite upsetting, because its very relatable.. and makes sense of alot of bullshit including somewhat of the depression. Its both reliefing and a bit sad at the same time. Kinda wish it was detected sooner but hey, it could be way way waaaaaaay worse.. i mean jesus christ poor Chris Chan had it worse and his perants did fuck all to care for him and his condition.

But i must say it is scary. I went through periods were I could see the bare bones of how someone would commit suicide, mass murder, rape and (literally any crime in the book). It was horrible to be filled with that much despair and hatred for humanity and myself. Thankfully.. I THINK I'm over that. Please don't think me a danger, if anything ever got close to that id either commit suicide or admit myself to a hosbital.

I don't mean to be pretentious, but if you suspect you have this its worth getting an assesment. It's worth it if you went through or are going through hell...

well anyway theres an update


back to porn
