Anybody out there take Aripiprazole? what's it like?
My psychiatrist suggested to me, that I could potentially take 2.5 mg of Aripiprazole. As there are studies showing that amount can help treat people on the autistic spectrum. Specfically of obssessive thoughts, violence, anxiety mostly i guess.
The drug scares me though, all drugs have side effects and that one is a serious drug. Though maybe 2.5mg is so small i shouldn't worry about at least trying it.. my psychiatrist did say it is only a suggestion and said i should research it myself which i have a bit and come to my own conclusion. The drugs is mostly used for people who are bipolar or have schizophrenia.
My be worth it, since i feel i am becoming psychotic.
I feel like the main character from Crime and Punishment but without the whole murder thing.
god help me.