i love how fucking obnoxious this is
i love how fucking obnoxious this is
Tears of the kingdom is the best DLC ever
I love fighting recycled monsters in the Gloom. A place were you'd expect creepy pass authentic monsters, but nope. more mocoblins.
actually positive people can be just as ungrateful about life. Not even realising their privilaged place in the world. The difference is they demonstrate anger at tiny things rather then self loathing. e.g "erugh the wifi is out, erugh im stuck in traffic"
Ok I get it, u get people like similar to the goth girl.
But the whole "they complain about their mental health for attention" are a minority of people in my experience.
It just feels like the moanings of a boomer conservative with no understanding of WHY people can get depressed in the modern world.
Some consider the modern world to be quite distopian actually. You can certainly get that vibe if you are single, work a shit 9-5 day job and use Tinder to find dates. You live in your little box, your little unhealthy hamster cage. Faced with crippling existentialism day in day out.
Apprently tribes are some of the happiest groups of people on the planet, no rates of depression. WHY? They can face illness, disease, no modern medicine. Yet they are happier.
"oh well they are more grateful"
No that is utterly wrong. Their world is COMPLETELY different to ours.
The modern world is making everyone sick. wether it is to do with porn, internet, phones, social media, lack of social communication in person, social events, whatever i don't know.
But it is significant. Do we have control? well yes we do, but look how obese everyone is. The high rate of obesity. There is your awnser as to how much "control" people really have over themselves. And who is responsible for that? Them or something external? well both actually. Look at the MASSIVE food industries puting sugar in literally fucking everything. Food coperations paying of scientists, politicans, this is well documented. We are being posiened. Even savoury food has sugar in it. The only way i can avoid this shit is to eat fruit and vegetables and not buy any packed food with more then a few ingredients in it.
You can take personal responsibility, as the conservative will always preach.
But taking personal responsibility also means taking resonsibility to critizise the world around you and its flaws, things that can be improved upon. lobbying ideals to benefit everyone ect ect ect.
The whole Peterson "clean your room before you try to organize the world", he makes a good point.
But then as Zizek pointed out
"how can you expect a North Korean to clean his room before criticizing the world?"
Maybe i have digressed to much, idk.
I guess my point is. The modern world and the humans in it, have problems, serious ones at that.
You will sometimes get the privilaged moron who has literally no serious problems and yet complains.
But again, i don't see them often.
What you will see is simpletons with absolutely no clue of whats going on, who still don't "appreciate" how surposedly good they got things. Still are "ungrateful" just aren't singing on hill tops about it. And don't forget that WE are literally fucking the planet sideways. Even if you don't believe in climate change, did you forget about pollution? Over fishing?
There are things being done about this, to prevent all these things.
But. only. Because. People. COMPLAINED.
idk, idk. Theres my 2 cents worth.
Next time you get pissy over a blue dyed haired goth girl protesting about pollution because the very air she breathes is toxic causing her asthma.
just remember the reason you even have a functioning toilet / underground sewer system is because people COMPLAINED.
god you animators animate so fast wtf?!
certified hood classic
its strange seeing south park 64 again.
that game was utter shit.
look at me
im a kitty kat
i wear a bowl of peanuts as a hat!
If i eat them all i will get fat!
Lol i saw this when i was 10
Anyway. Women need to realise that anal is the future
anyone who disagrees is a infidel.
Anal related activities are amazing. I can't stand normies who don't appreciate it.
imagine how they fuc
What was the moral of the story?
😞🔫 If you can't express yourself, what is the point in being alive? I have a sick mind, Hope i don't loose it altogether. 🔞ADULTS ONLY🔞
certified retard (rare species)
Age 76, Other
Scat artist.
What a complete waste of time
Your mind.
Joined on 8/22/18